Mass effect andromeda постельные сцены. Романы в ME: Andromeda

Titles, you might be familiar with what has to offer its players — namely action, adventure and the ability to smooch some serious space hotties.

There are slightly different paths to romancing each character, some of which even involving missions. Who you"re able to partner up with can also depend on which twin you chose to play as — some characters are available to both twins, while some are available to only the male or female Ryder.

One of those characters is a hot — maybe Spanish? — dude named Reyes Vidal. Here"s how to romance him.

How to romance Reyes Vidal in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Luckily for us, Reyes is interested in both the male and female Ryder. Unfortunately, it looks like meeting Reyes is altogether optional , so you have to be careful with your decisions so as to make sure you don"t miss him. You"ll only meet him if you refuse to take Sloane Kelly up on her offer, so keep that in mind! (And yes, this is purposely vague to avoid spoilers.)

You"ll meet Reyes during the story arc that takes place on Kadara — specifically, in a bar where he will get you a drink. As you play through the story on Kadara, you"ll run into Reyes a few times, where you"ll be able to push forward the relationship.

According to PC Gamer , once you"ve finished the primary task with him, "scan the dead body in Kadara Port and meet Reyes in the nightclub in the slums to talk about the murder." It"s in this nightclub scene that you"ll be able to grab your first smooch from Reyes.

Source: Stevivor/YouTube

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Mass Effect Andromeda: romance is in the air tonight. And it’s always night in space. Spoilers ahead.

Mass Effect Andromeda includes multiple opportunities to press your psace face lovingly against that of another, in the finest traditions of BioWare RPGs.

Whether you play a male or female Ryder, there are opportunities for love, sex or even just friendship among your squadmates, the crew of the Tempest and even wandering around the world. Pursuing romantic relationships unlocks unique spins on the friendship cutscenes you’d otherwise view after securing a companion’s loyalty – and then another, more intense romance scene to cap it all off.

And yes, some of are pretty steamy. Unfortunately, your questions about alien genitals will not be answered. Lotta butts though.

But even if the famous banging isn’t your thing, the romances in Mass Effect Andromeda range from sweet flirtations to friends with benefits to tender committed relationships, so you’ll have a fine time mashing the flirt button.

You can juggle multiple relationships, up to a point, as you navigate the tangled world of flirtations, friends with benefits, side pieces and full relationships detailed below. On the other hand, if you decide to pursue a full relationship you will lock yourself out of other full relationship lines, as these characters don’t seem to like to share – so make sure you’re ready to commit if a character asks you to go exclusive. Once you commit to a relationship, flirting with other characters no longer progresses their relationships , and you’ll get the “friend” version of their final scenes.

Although there are some exceptions (described below), in general, Mass Effect Andromeda romances progress in the same way. You need to flirt a minimum of three times with your intended and then complete all their loyalty missions and side quests . Have a few more conversations with them, and they’ll likely bring up the possibility of committing. It’s an obvious yes no moment, with Ryder having to answer something like “I want to be with you” or “sorry, I’m just playing”.

Almost all the loyalty and therefore romance missions in Mass Effect Andromeda are gated by critical path progress, so while you should make sure you check in with your squaddies for flirt opportunities between major story beats, don’t worry if you’re not getting anywhere with your favourite after a few priority ops. Sweetie probably just wants you to crack on with the main quest.

Mass Effect Andromeda characters aren’t interested in sharing, so while they’ll accept you juggling multiple squeezes prior to commitment and enjoying multiple casual relationships, you can only be in one full, committed relationship at a time. (Prior to , you could manage a full relationship with Peebee and either Cora or Vetra, but this has since been patched.)

If you’d like to see every romance in Mass Effect Andromeda, our hot tip is to make a save before embarking on crew missions or speaking to them after they email asking to meet . These are the most likely instances for a commitment point. If you simply ignore those quests and scenes until right before the final mission’s point of no return (when it says “embark on this mission”) you can have every romance right on the brink, then split off side saves to see everything.

Less talk, more action: while we’ve divided the information below by the character’s own romantic preferences, we’ll start with a handy summary of the options available to each Ryder twin.

    Male Ryder
  • Peebee
  • Vetra
  • Avela Kjar
  • Reyes Vidal
  • Keri (fling only)
    Female Ryder
  • Peebee
  • Vetra
  • Reyes Vidal
  • Keri (fling only)

Read on to discover how to initiate Mass Effect Andromeda’s romances, how to advance them, when you’ll reach the point of no return, and how they cancel each other out.

Male Ryder exclusive romance options


Breaking the hearts of lesbians everywhere, Cora is straight as an arrow; she even turned down an Asari once, even though they’re not technically female. This good news for dude Ryders, though, as she’s all about that … whatever it is people see in him. Begin your assault on Cora’s heart once you have access to the Tempest and leave the Nexus for the first time; you can find her in the tech lab or the cargo bay.

To win Cora’s heart, you’ll need to flirt with her regularly throughout the game, until her loyalty mission unlocks. This is a multi-step quest that takes place over several missions and requires critical path progress to complete. It comes to a head when you track down the lost Asari ark.

Keep on flirting and you’ll cement the relationship with a kiss, and enjoy a couple of other exclusive romance scenes before Ryder and Cora make a very steamy first contact.

Commitment point: After flirting with Cora three times, complete her loyalty mission. Debrief with her, then leave the Tempest and return for a heart-to-heart conversation.


Gil is open about his interest in a male Ryder, and also open about what he wants. Flirt with him regularly and you’ll soon find yourself with the option to pursue a more than friendly relationship. You can get the ball rolling as soon as you have access to the Tempest and have left the Nexus for the first time; talk to him in the engineering section.

Continue to pursue the affair and eventually Gil will invite you to spend some time together on Prodromos, and discuss whether your casual banging has the potential to be something more.

Although Gil’s romance is light on scenes and interactions, you know you’ll always have a willing poker buddy.

Commitment point: After three flirtations and completing Hunting the Archon, Gil will email you about meeting on Prodromos, where you can declare your intentions.

Avela Kjar

An Angaran historian Ryder meets on Aya, Avela enjoys flirting and will even mash space faces with you on two occasions if you determinedly turn on the charm every time you complete one of her side quests. It’s a weird sort of romance – there’s no commitment conversation or steamy love scene, and we’re not sure it blocks you from other relationships. and You’ll need to complete the secondary quests Recovering the Past and Forgotten History to advance the romance, which culminates after you set out on your final critical path mission and receive an email from your beloved.

Female Ryder exclusive romance options


Liam is kind of the “default” romance option for a female Ryder, as he’s the first of the squad mates to offer flirting opportunities. His loyalty mission is available relatively early on, and provides plenty more opportunities to indicate your interest. You can even miss a few and still maintain his interest. Begin your flirtation after you gain access to the Tempest and leave the Nexus for the first time; he generally hangs out in a room off the cargo bay.

You can pursue Liam without fear of closing off other romance options right up until after his loyalty mission, so if you’d care to have a quick pash onboard the Tempest, go for it.

Once Liam’s loyalty mission is done, you have the option to lock in a full relationship or let him down gently; when the dust settles on that adventure, the cheerful crisis specialist is yours for the taking. Continue to enjoy his company over several scenes and cement the deal after you visit Eos together in response to an attack.

Commitment point: After completing Liam’s loyalty mission he’ll ask you to meet him at Podromos. This is where you’ll have to make up your mind for good.


Although the Angaran people display their emotions openly, they don’t necessarily act on them, and Jaal’s romance takes time to lock in. Keep flirting wqth him, but look out for the “couple” option that replaces the usual heart-shaped “flirt” one. Remember Angarans value honesty and emotional openness, so don’t be shy in declaring your intentions. You can start flirting once Jaal joins the squad; look for him in a room off the central research station area.

Jaal’s loyalty mission is required to commit to the relationship, and like Cora’s, it plays out over several missions and is reliant on main quest progress. Once that’s done, you’ll need to keep flirting until the main quest ramps up to its conclusion in order to fully seal the deal on a later visit to Aya.

Before you make your mind up on romancing Jaal, we recommend completing a small quest Liam sets you to craft a special requisition. Complete the crafting assignment and then visit Liam in the cargo hold to witness a conversation between Liam and Jaal offering, uh, revelations on them both. It’s always good to window shop before you get out your credit card.

Commitment point: If you’ve been flirting with Jaal and have completed his loyalty mission, he’ll email you about going to Hvarl. Put him in your squad and follow through for a chance to talk about your relationship.


Scottish accents, amirite? Suvi is a full romance option and pretty easy to complete as long as you’ve turned up in the correct gender. Of all the romance options, she’s the one a female Ryder finds the most intimidating, regularly babbling like a fool. It’s good fun. Suvi sits opposite Kallo on the bridge, so she’s always handy when you’re in the mood to flirt.

To romance Suvi, just flirt with her whenever the option arises: you don’t need to agree with her opinions in order to hold her interest, since she has a mature attitude to debate.

Keep an eye on your email and eventually you’ll receive a missive which invites you to kick off the full romance. You know what to do – or we certainly hope you do.

Commitment point: Flirt with Suvi, then talk to her on the Tempest after completing Hunting the Archon if you’ve decided she’s the one for you.

Male or Female Ryder romance options


Peebee is an Asari, and since Asari are mono-gendered and reproduce via a slightly scary form of mind meld, they don’t seem to care what you’ve got in your pants. The most enlightened race in the galaxy, indeed. After you recruit Peebee on Eos, she sets up camp out in the escape pod room off the bridge, but after your first conversation she is usually found in the cargo hold.

Coming out of what seems to have been a pretty bad relationship, Peebee is initially reluctant to commit to anything beyond flirting – which she indulges in freely. If you show interest, the turning point comes after you complete a couple of her personal missions – retrieving some rem-tech, and visiting her apartment on the Nexus.

When Peebee opens negotiations, you have two options: you can opt for a casual, NSA arrangement allowing you to discreetly indulge in friends-with-benefits whenever you fancy it. If you already know you’d like more from the carefree Asari, you can to hit the brakes, and let her know you want more than a quick bang. Update: Don’t worry! We were wrong! You can have a FWB relationship with Pebee and still have a full relationship.

Commitment point: Flirt with Peebee a few times to trigger the friends-with-benefit conversation, and either agree to a no strings relationship or tell her you want strings. Then complete her loyalty mission and debrief with ehr. Leave the Tempest and return for a chat on whether you’re willing to commit.


Vetra is a slow burn romance option, as the drifter takes a long time to open up to you. You’ll have only very limited opportunities to flirt with her prior to her loyalty mission – and you must seize every opportunity to lock in her interest. No matter what you do, Vetra’s romance won’t move past flirtation until Priority Ops 6 , so be patient.

Don’t be discouraged if she doesn’t seem that receptive; although Vetra is more interested in male Ryders than female, she can be won over. Seems aliens have heard of the Kinsey scale. Look for Vetra in a storage room off the Cargo bay, although after her initial chat with you, she tends to spend her time in the crew quarters with Drack.

To cement things with Vetra, you need to do at least the following flirting:

  1. Choose “you’re intense” when you first chat on the Tempest.
  2. Ask about “anyone special
  3. in a subsequent chat on the Tempest.

  4. Say “I’m here for you both” during Vetra’s loyalty mission.
  5. Tell Vetra you’re “dreaming of someone”
  6. after objective Hunting the Archon .

  7. Check your email for an invitation, then have Vetra in your squad on a Kadara visit.

There are several cute scenes in Vetra’s romance after this, so go ahead and commit to the full relationship if you’re ready to forsake all others.

Commitment point: Vetra is only interested in commitment, so when you meet on Kadara and have a pash, you’ll have to make up your mind.

Reyes Vidal

There’s been a lot of confusion about whether Reyes is available to both Ryder twins, but we’ve confirmed: he’s keen on both of them. Nevertheless, this is a weird relationship, as it is entirely possible to write Reyes out of the plot of your Mass Effect Andromeda playthrough altogether.

You can flirt with Reyes over and over again during the long quest to settle Kadara, which kicks off in Hunting the Archon. Whether you meet with him during that quest, you can check in with him after the Vehn interrogation at Tartarus Bar. Pursue the quests Murder in Kadara Port, Divided Loyalties, Precious Cargo and Night Out to advance things, and then meet with Sloane to bring the questline to its conclusion.

No spoilers, but whether Reyes sticks around and commits to you depends on your actions and choices. It’s him or – well. You’ll see. We promise it’s obvious.

Keri (fling)

A journalist who interviews Ryder on multiple occasions over the course of the game, Keri breaks with series tradition by not being someone you want to punch. She won’t be willing to start a relationship with you while the interviews are ongoing, but if you keep up the charm you can enjoy a one night stand with Keri when ethical considerations are no longer an issue. This is available even if you’re involved with someone else; it won’t affect anything. Look for Keri on the Nexus, in the docking bay or operations, depending on how far you’ve advanced Task: Path of a Hero. She’ll email you when a new interview slot is available.

People who won’t bang you, even if you really try


The Tempest’s resident doctor maintains a strictly professional relationship to the crew – mostly. While male and female Ryders can both attempt a flirtation, Lexi knocks that on the head right out of the gate. You’ll have to settle for pining from afar. Drack, on the other hand, might have a chance – despite also being a patient of Lexi’s. Guess Ryder’s just not her type.

Paaran Shie

When you return to Aya after winning the trust of the Angara, you’ll have the freedom of the city – and that means you can track down governor Paaran Shie in her office and let her know you think she’s well fancy . Unfortunately, this hard-working administrator has no time for such frivolities. The bar is just down the road a bit if you need to drown your sorrows.

More to come?

BioWare has taken feedback on mass Effect Andromeda very seriously, and one of the criticisms it has heard is the imbalance in romance options for specific types of Ryder. For example, a gay male Ryder has no squadmate romance option; his possibilities are all shipbound. What’s the fun in a romance option you can’t take with you on missions for sweet banter?

Although no explicit promises have been made, BioWare has said it’s looking at this sort of issue – so it’s possible we may see new romances crop up in DLC – or even patches, if we’re lucky.

Персонажи в Mass Effect Andromeda не только бороздят бескрайние просторы неизвестной галактики. Они ведь все-таки люди. Или саларианцы. Или турианцы с азари. В общем, гуманоидным расам свойственны романтические порывы и естественные желания, стесняться которых не стоит. Сегодняшний гайд по Mass Effect Andromeda посвящен извечному вопросу, терзающему человечество. Как добиться признательности от противоположного пола? Такой вот мастер класс по пикапу обитателей необъятной Вселенной Mass Effect Andromeda от Game2Day. Готовы? Поехали. Ах, да. Внимание, спойлеры! Не могли не предупредить.

В отличие от предшественниц, в MAE четко отмечены диалоги с потенциальной романтической развязкой. Причем отмечены большими сердечками. Так, чтобы каждый понял. Но это не значит, что путь к любовному ложу будет устлан розами. В отношениях между персонажами следует соблюдать четкую последовательность шагов и действий. Иначе все - френдзона, тоска и тлен. Основная структура отношений в Mass Effect выглядит следующим образом:

1. Вступление. Милый диалог на борту "Бури" или где-то еще. Постреливание глазками, хлопанье ресничками (у кого они есть) и так далее.

2. Диалоги после миссий и квестов. Продолжайте беседу, ищите персонажей, пока отдыхаете в Нексусе или на планетах и обязательно налаживайте дальнейший контакт.

3. Лояльность. У каждого отряда есть персональный набор миссий, которые можно выполнять вместе с ними. После них они снова захотят пообщаться. Вот там уже можно включать обаяшку на полную мощность и флировать, словно вы на борту Титаника, а рядом Фрэнк Синатра исполняет одну из своих волшебных композиций.

4. Приглашение. Успешное завершение миссий лояльности позволит вам получить приглашение на встречу в неформальной обстановке. Там пора развернуться вовсю: нежно берем за лапку свою будущую вторую половинку и изливаем на неё поток бурных чувств. Профит.

Однако не все отношения в Mass Effect развиваются по такому сценарию. Несколько персонажей либо совсем не покидают корабль, либо находятся за его пределами. В этих случаях надо действовать неординарно. Сейчас расскажем, как именно.


С кем может быть секс: Скотт Райдер

Пока Кора лелеет смертельную обиду на отца Скотта, вы можете разбить лед недоверия непринужденной беседой. Потом можно несколько раз пофлиртовать с Корой на борту "Бури". Она обычно тусуется в биолаборатории после завершения миссий основной сюжетной ветки. Или в офисе директора Танна на Нексусе. С Корой нужно будет пройти одну миссию лояльности и встретиться с ней на Эос. И там уже закрутить настоящий роман с симпатичной блондинкой.


В самом начале игры Ветра отдает все свои силы семье, но не прочь завязать небольшую интрижку. Похвалите как-нибудь её песочный цвет лица, выразите восхищение её изящным лицевым наростам на "Буре". После обмена любезностями надо поискать Ветру на рынке Айи и попробовать усилить давление обаянием. По завершению миссии лояльности побеседуйте с ней в оружейной палате и скажите, что вам не все равно и её взгляд сводит вас с ума. Чуть позже она предложит встретиться в Кадаре, а продолжение романа ждет вас на борту "Бури".


С кем может быть секс: с Сарой или Скоттом

Ветреная Пелессария не особо заинтересована в семье и куче спиногрызов при первой встрече, но её можно уболтать на быстрый и страстный роман, особо ни к чему не обязывающий. Поговорите с ней в спасательной капсуле, когда она присоединится к экипажу корабля. Потом - еще пару раз, пока она тусуется в задней части корабля. Можно, кстати и её заднюю часть похвалить, Пиби любит комплименты. Помогите ей с секретным проектом - поиском запчастей на Воелде. Продолжаем болтать и общаться с ней по электронной почте и в скором времени Пиби пригласит вас встретиться с ней в музее на Айе. После этой судьбоносной встречи можно смело нестись на крыльях любви в спасательный отсек и срывать с Пиби одежды.


С кем может быть секс: с Сарой

Джаал общительный и веселый гуманоид, так что с ним проблем не будет. Возможностей для флирта будет много после того, как он присоединится к команде. Активируйте диалоговые значки и выбирайте фразы, отмеченные иконкой дружбы (две фигурки держатся за руки). Несмотря на дружескую болтовню беседа будет приобретать все более интимный характер. Остается только завершить квест лояльности и проверить свою электронную почту.

Джил и Суви

С кем может быть секс: только с персонажем противоположного пола

Джил парень прогрессивный и от быстрого секса не отказывается. Немного флирта, парочку игр в покер и вуаля - Джил пригласит вас встретиться с ним на Эос.

Суви легко найти и сложно забыть (с). Хотя бы потому, что вы видите её и Калло каждый раз, когда открываете карту галактики. С ней все проще простого: забрасываем наивную девицу комплиментами и готово. Она сама предложит взять паузу и сыграть в "твикс".


С кем может быть секс: с Сарой или Скоттом

Кери - журналистка, одержимая неизбывным желанием взять у вас интервью. Не стоит разочаровывать прелестную даму, не так ли? Параллельно с ответами на вопросы о мировой ситуации и воспоминаниях из детства можно намекнуть Кери, что беседу стоило бы продолжить в более приватной обстановке. Время от времени можно заскакивать на Нексус и чуть позже переписываться с ней по эмейлу.

Авела и Рейес Видаль

С Авелой можно решить все по-быстрому: достаточно пофлиртовать с ней в доках Айи, а потом отыскать её симпатичное лиловое личико в музее. Помогаем ей завершить парочку квестов и сближаемся на почве общих интересов. Заинтересовать Авелу может только Скотт.

А вот Рейес Видаль на Кадаре будет рад любому общению. В том числе и со Скоттом. Дань современности, так сказать. Добиться взаимности от Рейеса просто: встречаемся с ним в ночном клубе после первой миссии лояльности.