Russian literary language
Russian literary language
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Name meaning: character and destiny
Name meaning: character and destiny
What does the name Ilyas mean? Origin of the name Ilyas The name Ilyas is Jewish, Tatar, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Russian,...
Prayer for successful completion of the operation
Prayer for successful completion of the operation
Surgeons and other doctors are instruments in the hands of God. During the operation, the hand of each of them is guided by the Lord. Even with ideal...
Why dream of building a house - interpretation of the dream according to dream books Meaning of dreaming of building a house
Why dream of building a house - interpretation of the dream according to dream books Meaning of dreaming of building a house
Building a house is not an easy craft, but only in reality. But contemplating this process in a dream, although it will not take away the dreamer’s strength, will make you worry...
Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina
Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina Prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina
The name Ambrose means “divine”, “immortal”. It accurately, but incompletely characterizes the way of life and spiritual aspirations...
On what lunar day was a person born?
On what lunar day was a person born?
The well-known astrological one comes in two types: solar and lunar. Each of them represents 12 zodiac signs, the difference is...