Healthy eating
Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich
Medvedev Dmitry Anatolievich
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation since May 2012. Third President of the Russian Federation (Since May 2008...
Frozen berry smoothie - vitamin fireworks in winter Smoothie with frozen berries
Frozen berry smoothie - vitamin fireworks in winter Smoothie with frozen berries
Smoothie recipes from frozen berries would be the same and boring if they only contained berries. Therefore, a cocktail...
From the history of church bells What metal are bells cast from?
From the history of church bells What metal are bells cast from?
T.F. Vladyshevskaya, Doctor of Art History, Moscow Many monasteries and churches in towns and villages are beautifully painted...
Avocado and tomato salad Avocado salad recipe at home
Avocado and tomato salad Avocado salad recipe at home
We will need: Tomato - 1 pc. medium sized cucumber - 1 pc. Avocado - 1 pc. Bell pepper - 1 pc. Red onion - 1 pc. little Green...
Geographical position of the Pacific Ocean: description and features
Geographical position of the Pacific Ocean: description and features
The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the oceans. Its area is 178.7 million km 2. The ocean is larger in area than all the continents combined...
Rainbow salad: recipe with photo Rainbow salad with beef
Rainbow salad is a source of vitamins and a great mood, as it may contain the chef’s choice of the most favorite types of fruits and berries....