Презентация на тему conditional sentences. «Conditional Sentences» презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему. Условные предложения III типа

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

1 слайд

Описание слайда:

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Условные предложения 1-го типа выражают реальные, осуществимые условия, обычно относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени * If I have time, I will go to the concert tomorrow. * If we go to the cinema earlier, we will be able to get good seats. После союза if глагол стоит в Present Simple, а в главном предложении в Future Simple или в повелительном наклонении * If he comes, ask him to wait for me.

2 слайд

Описание слайда:

3 слайд

Описание слайда:

Read the sentences He will give the dog the sugar if it jumps as high as that. We’ll catch the train if we take a taxi. If you promise not to be late, I’ll let you go for a walk. They will not go to the skating-rink if it is very frosty. If she calls, tell her I will be at work. When he asks me, I will not able to tell him about it.

4 слайд

Описание слайда:

Correct the sentences If the weather will be fine, we will go to picnic tomorrow. When she will come, we have listen to music on this CD. If I go to St. Petersburg, I visit Nevsky Prospect, Winter Palace and St.Isaac’s Cathedral. I will go to the hospital, if I am not well. I’ll prepare dinner, if my mother ask me. If he invites me to the party, I can not go there.

5 слайд

Описание слайда:

Translate into English Если мама попросит меня купить продукты, я пойду в новый супермаркет. Я помогу ему, если он меня попросит. Она не пойдет с ним в кафе, если он позвонит ей. Скажи ей что случилось, если она спросит. Когда они придут, мы будем пить чай. Если погода будет солнечная, мы пойдем на прогулку в парк. Я смогу написать тест, если буду заниматься упорно.

6 слайд

Описание слайда:

Check yourself If my Mum asks me to buy some food, I will go to a new supermarket. I will help her, if he asks me. She will not go to the cafe, if he calls her. Tell her what’s happen, if she asks you. When they come, we will drink tea. If the weather is sunny, we will go for a walk in the park. I will be able to write a test, if I work hard.

7 слайд

Описание слайда:

Finish and put down the sentences I will go to the library if… We will visit some sightseeing if… You will go for a walk if… We will spend two days in the country if… You will enjoy the concert if… We will go shopping if… I will introduce you to my friend if… We will get some information from Internet if…

8 слайд

Описание слайда:

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES-2 Условные предложения второго типа выражают маловероятные и нереальные условия, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени. UNREAL CONDITION IN THE PRESENT (FUTURE) If + the Past Simple Would + V 1 or Would+ V 1 If + the Past Simple

9 слайд

Описание слайда:

Read the sentences If I had time now, I would go to the concert, but I’m busy. He would send us a telegram, if he knew where we lived. If we went to the river, we would have a good time there. I would go to the doctor, if I were you. She would buy a new car, if she had enough money. He wouldn’t go to the football matches, if he didn’t like football.

10 слайд

Описание слайда:

Correct the sentences We visit the exhibition if we were not so late. I would tell him about it, if I was you. If they go to the concert of rock group, they would enjoy it very much. If you were not so tired, we would see some more places of interest. He wouldn’t take part in competition, if he didn’t liked ski.

11 слайд

Описание слайда:

Translate into English Если бы я был на твоем месте, я бы не сделал так. Я бы подарил ей мою картину, если бы она пригласила меня на свой день рождения. Если бы ты посмотрел этот фильм, ты получил бы удовольствие. Если бы он пришел, я бы сказала ему об этом. Он бы не пошел на этот концерт, если бы не любил эту группу.

12 слайд

Описание слайда:

Check yourself If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. I would give my picture to her, if she invited me on her birthday. If you watched the film, you would enjoy it. If he came to see me, I would say him about it. He wouldn’t go to the concert, if he didn’t like this group.

13 слайд

Описание слайда:

Finish and put down the sentences They would get interesting information about this actor, if… I would go to the school New Year party, if… She would invite his on her birthday, if… We would buy that great toy for our small sister, if… He would say “I love you” ,if…

14 слайд

Описание слайда:

CONDITIONAL SENTENCES-3 Условные предложения 3-го типа выражают условия, не реализованные в прошлом и, следовательно, совершенно не выполнимые UNREAL CONDITION REFERRING TO THE PAST If + the Past Perfect Would + have V3 Would + have V3 If + the Past Perfect or

15 слайд

Описание слайда:

Read the sentences If Dan had taken part in the game, the team would have won it. I wouldn’t have finished my work, if you hadn’t helped me. They would have prepared for the examinations better, if they had known about it earlier. The children would have played in the open air , if the weather had been better. You would have got a better mark , if you hadn’t made so many mistakes.

№ слайда 1

Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2

Описание слайда:

№ слайда 3

Описание слайда:

№ слайда 4

Описание слайда:

1st Conditional1. Используем, когда говорим о возможных событиях в БУДУЩЕМ, которые зависят от других будущих событий:

№ слайда 5

Описание слайда:

1st Conditional2. Также используется, когда мы хотим дать совет, приказание выдвинуть предложение:

№ слайда 6

Описание слайда:

unless -1 если не; пока не-2 кроме, исключая, за исключениемИногда в Zero и 1st conditional используется Unless + present simple когда мы говорим о событиях, которые могут случиться, если только кто-то этому не помешает.

№ слайда 7

Описание слайда:

2nd Conditional1. используется, когда мы говорим о выдуманных, нереальных или маловероятных событиях В БУДУЮЩЕМ:

№ слайда 8

Описание слайда:

2nd Conditional2. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных или невозможных событиях В настоящем:

№ слайда 9

Описание слайда:

3rd Conditional1. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных ситуациях В ПРОШЛОМ: мы выдумываем вещи, которые не случились на самом деле.

№ слайда 10

Описание слайда:

№ слайда 11

Описание слайда:

Нулевой тип условных. Раскройте скобкиIf you (to love) nature you never (to throw) litter outdoors.If I (to get up) late I usually (to have) a headache. If you (not to eat) long you (to get) weak. If you (to boil) ice it (to melt) and (to turn) into water.When you (to speak) your vocal chords (to vibrate).When a storm (to begin) people (to shelter) in their homes.

№ слайда 12

Описание слайда:

Первый тип условных. Раскройте скобкиIf we (to walk) to the park we (to feed) some birds there.If they (to go) to the disco they (to listen) to loud music. If I (to go) to the theatre I (to watch) an interesting play.If you (to study) hard you (to pass) this exam. If you (to wear) these trousers you (to look) a bit strange. If you (to play) this composition your guests (be pleased).If David (to forget) his umbrella I (to give) him mine. If the sun (to shine) all day we (to go) to the beach. If he (to have) a temperature he (to see) the doctor.

№ слайда 13

Описание слайда:

Второй тип условных. Раскройте скобкиIf I (to see) Mary, I would (to be) really glad to meet her. If Rachael (to be) rich, she (to study) at a foreign college. If it (to snow) now, it (to be) really difficult to get to the country for us.surprised? If somebody (to rob) your house, what (to do) you?If I ever (to get) married, I (to do) it only of love.If I (to have) enough money, I (buy) a country cottage.

№ слайда 14

Описание слайда:

Третий тип условных. Раскройте скобкиIf he (to study) harder, he (to pass) his test better then.If we (to begin) the work earlier, we (to have) more time.Lena (to buy) the milk if she (forget) about it.They (not to get) into that accident if Jim (not to drive) so fast.The dogs(to get out) if the door (to be) locked.If Jenny (to ask) me about the matter I (to answer) all her questions. I (to call) the police if I (to see) those robbers again.

№ слайда 15

Описание слайда:

Определите тип условного предложенияIf I were you I would tell him about their plan.If he had come yesterday we would have met him.If this story were not interesting I wouldn`t read it!If we had come a minute later, we would not have seen the matter.If it rains hard for a long time water runs along the streets.If I have some free time I will call on you.

Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдем на пикник.

«Условные предложения I типа»

Употребление Present Simple вместо Future Simple в английских придаточных предложениях времени и условия

Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдём на пикник

If the weather is fine, we will go to the picnic.

If You Go to Rome

If you go to Rome

You’ll see the Coliseum,

If you go to London

Maybe you’ll see the Queen,

If you stay with me

You won’t see anything

But you’ll be happy

That’s for sure.

If you climb the mountains

You’ll be above the noisy crowds.

If you catch a jet plane

You’ll be above the clouds.

If you stay with me

You won’t see anything

But you’ll be happy

That’s for sure.

If you leave me now

I’ll be sad and lonely.

If you walk away

I’ll search around for you.

If it takes a year

I’ll find you, my darling.

And you’ll be happy,

That’s for sure.

If I make some money

Will you come and live with me?

If I make some money

Will you change your mind?

If I ask you nicely

Will you make a cup of tea?

Then I’ll be very happy

That’s for sure.


Present Simple

  • Play
  • Read
  • Do homework
  • Phone
  • Come
  • Do chores
  • Am / is / are


We’ll go to the picnic if the weather is fine tomorrow.

If the weather is fine tomorrow, we’ll go to the picnic.

Translate into English.

  • Если он разобьёт окно , он заплатит за него .

2. Если у меня будут деньги , я куплю эту сумку.

3. Они пойдут на прогулку перед тем, как лягут спать.

4. Я напишу вам письмо, как только приеду в Лондон.

  • They’ll go for a walk, before they go to bed.

b. If I have some money, I’ll buy this bag.

c . If he breaks the window, he’ll pay for it.

d. I’ll write you a letter, as soon as I come to London.

Match the sentences.

When I pass my driving test...

a) they won’t grow well.

If you don’t water your plants

If you go to the cinema tonight...

b) I’ll buy a car.

c) we’ll phone you.

As soon as we get the tickets...

d) I’ll go with you.


Match the sentence parts, then write these sentences like this:

Example: If you lie in the sun, you’ll get sunburned.

  • don’t look at the map
  • don’t work hard
  • eat too much
  • don’t hurry
  • don’t listen in class
  • take an umbrella
  • not find the road
  • not pass your exam
  • get fat
  • miss the bus
  • not understand the homework
  • not get wet


  • If you break a mirror,

you will have seven years’

  • If you talk of the devil,

you will have good luck

  • If a black cat crosses your
  • If a black cat crosses your

you will have bad luck

  • If you see a small spider,

you will get a lot of money.

Example: If you touch wood, your good luck will continue.


If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.

(a) За двумя зайцами погонишься - ни одного не поймаешь.

(b) Если ты бежишь за зайцем, надень кроссовки.

(c) Ну, заяц, погоди!

If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

( a) Если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано хорошо, делай его сам.

(b) Если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано хорошо, позвони 03.

(c) Сделай хоть что-то .

What will you do if…?

  • If I make a bit of pocket money, I’ll...
  • If I have enough time, I’ll …
  • If I find a summer job, …
  • If I do nothing,…
  • If it rains, …
  • If I know English well, …


If You Are Happy And You Know It

If you"re happy and you know it, clap your hands. If you"re happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you"re happy and you know it, clap your hands.

If you"re happy and you know it, stamp your feet. If you"re happy and you know it, stamp your feet. If you"re happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you"re happy and you know it, stamp your feet.

If you"re happy and you know it, nod your head. If you"re happy and you know it, nod your head. If you"re happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you"re happy and you know it, nod your head.

  • If you"re happy and you know it, turn around. If you"re happy and you know it, turn around. If you"re happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you"re happy and you know it, turn around.

If you"re happy and you know it, say we are, we are. If you"re happy and you know it, say we are, we are. If you"re happy and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you"re happy and you know it, say we are, we are.

" If You Want To Sing Out,

is a popular song by

It first appeared in

the 1971 film Harold and Maude .

Well if you want to sing out sing out. And if you want to be free be free. "Cause there"s a million things to be. You know that there are.

And if you want to live high live high. And if you want to live low live low. "Cause there"s a million ways to go. You know that there are.

You can do what you want. The opportunity"s on. And if you find a new way you can do it today.

You can make it all true. And you can make it undo you see. Ah it"s easy. Ah you only need to know.

Well if you want to say yes say yes. And if you want to say no say no. Cause there"s a million ways to go. You know that there are. And if you want to be me be me.

And if you want to be you be you. Cause there"s a million things to do. You know that there are.

You can do what you want. The opportunity"s on. And if you find a new way you can do it today. You can make it all true.

And you can make it undo you see. Ah it"s easy. Ah you only need to know

Well, if you want to sing out, sing out And if you want to be free, be free "cause there"s a million things to be You know that there are, You know that there are, You know that there are, You know that there are, You know that there are.

МУ Отдел образования МР Татышлинский район РБ

«Условные предложения I типа»

9 класс

Выполнила: Арманшина Г. М.


с. Верхние Татышлы, РБ

if = when 1st Conditional

БУДУЩЕМ , которые :

1st Conditional

1. Используем, когда говорим о возможных событиях в БУДУЩЕМ , которые зависят от других будущих событий :

1st Conditional



if you have problems,

call me at once. (imperative)

If you are late for the last train

take a taxi!

If you feel unwell

go to bed!

2. Также используется, когда мы хотим дать совет, приказание выдвинуть предложение:

Unless -1 если не; пока не -2 кроме, исключая, за исключением

  • Иногда в Zero и 1st conditional используется Unless + present simple когда мы говорим о событиях, которые могут случиться, если только кто-то этому не помешает.

Unless+ present simple

She always comes to work,

unless she is seriously ill.

We are always ready to help,

unless it is not too late.

2nd Conditional

2. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных или невозможных событиях В настоящем :

3rd Conditional


Would/should/could/might + have + V3 !

If I had entered a university (when I was young),

I could have become a professor now.

If I had known the truth before,

I would not have helped that terrible man!

If he hadn`t broken that window,

he wouldn`t have been taken to police station, wouldn`t have been late for work and would `t have been fired.

1. используется, когда мы говорим о нереальных ситуациях В ПРОШЛОМ : мы выдумываем вещи, которые не случились на самом деле .


Zero conditional

Последовательные события, истина, правила…

If you eat much you put on weight.

Present simple/will (can, may)

when you see that guy, you will be surprised!

Совет, приказание

Present simple/imperative

If it is late, go home!

невозможное в будущем

If you saw a ghost you would be so frightened!

невозможное в настоящем

Нереальное в прошлом; то, что не случилось.

Past perfect (had+V3)/ would+have+v3

If I had spoken a foreign language, I would have made a career

Нулевой тип условных. Раскройте скобки
  • If you (to love) nature you never (to throw) litter outdoors.
  • If I (to get up) late I usually (to have) a headache.
  • If you (not to eat) long you (to get) weak.
  • If you (to boil) ice it (to melt) and (to turn) into water.
  • When you (to speak) your vocal chords (to vibrate).
  • When a storm (to begin) people (to shelter) in their homes.
Первый тип условных. Раскройте скобки
  • If we (to walk) to the park we (to feed) some birds there.
  • If they (to go) to the disco they (to listen) to loud music.
  • If I (to go) to the theatre I (to watch) an interesting play.
  • If you (to study) hard you (to pass) this exam.
  • If you (to wear) these trousers you (to look) a bit strange.
  • If you (to play) this composition your guests (be pleased).
  • If David (to forget) his umbrella I (to give) him mine.
  • If the sun (to shine) all day we (to go) to the beach.
  • If he (to have) a temperature he (to see) the doctor.
Второй тип условных. Раскройте скобки
  • If I (to see) Mary, I would (to be) really glad to meet her.
  • If Rachael (to be) rich, she (to study) at a foreign college.
  • If it (to snow) now, it (to be) really difficult to get to the country for us.
  • surprised?
  • If somebody (to rob) your house, what (to do) you?
  • If I ever (to get) married, I (to do) it only of love.
  • If I (to have) enough money, I (buy) a country cottage.
Третий тип условных. Раскройте скобки
  • If he (to study) harder, he (to pass) his test better then.
  • If we (to begin) the work earlier, we (to have) more time.
  • Lena (to buy) the milk if she (forget) about it .
  • They (not to get) into that accident if Jim (not to drive) so fast.
  • The dogs(to get out) if the door (to be) locked.
  • If Jenny (to ask) me about the matter I (to answer) all her questions.
  • I (to call) the police if I (to see) those robbers again.
Определите тип условного предложения
  • If I were you I would tell him about their plan.
  • If he had come yesterday we would have met him.
  • If this story were not interesting I wouldn`t read it!
  • If we had come a minute later, we would not have seen the matter.
  • If it rains hard for a long time water runs along the streets.
  • If I have some free time I will call on you.

Type 0 - Type 1 - Type 2 - Type 3 Mixed Conditionals Sentence connectors showing condition

Type 0 (general truths) They are used to express something which is always true. We can use WHEN instead of IF. If-clause: Present simple Main clause: If/When it SNOWS, the roads GET slippery and dangerous.

Type 1 (real present) They are used to express real or very probable situations in the present or future. They are also used to give instructions. If-clause: present simple Main clause: future, If they WORK hard, they WILL FINISH the project on time. If they FINISH the project, CALL me. If they WORK hard, they MAY FINISH the project by next Friday.

Type 2 (unreal present) They are used to express imaginary situations which are contrary to facts in the present and, therefore, are unlikely to happen in the present or future. They are also used to give advice. If I DIDN’T HAVE to work so much, I WOULDN’T BE so tired. If-clause: Past simple Main clause: If the weather WERE better, we COULD / MIGHT HAVE a picnic.

Type 3 (unreal past) They are used to express situations which are contrary to facts in the past. They are also used to express regrets or criticism. If-clause: Past perfect Main clause: If he HAD BEEN more careful, he WOULDN’T HAVE MADE such a big mistake. If you HADN’T HAD a lot of luck, you COULD/MIGHT HAVE LOST all your money.

MIXED CONDITIONALS Type 2 – Type 3 We can form mixed conditionals, if the context permits it, by combining an if-clause from one type with a main clause from another. The most common types are: If you WERE more sensible, you WOULDN’T HAVE SPOKEN to your parents like that. Type 3 – Type 2 If he HADN’T STOLEN all that money, he WOULDN’T BE in prison now.

EXAMPLES AS LONG AS We’ll go up to the mountains this weekend AS LONG AS the weather is OK. PROVIDED/PROVIDING (THAT) You can have a pet PROVIDED/PROVIDING THAT you look after it properly. ON CONDITION (THAT) You can have a pet ON CONDITION THAT you look after it properly. SUPPOSE/SUPPOSING SUPPOSE/SUPPOSING the price of oil tripled tomorrow, what would happen? BUT FOR + noun BUT FOR your help, I wouldn’t have done it. OTHERWISE You should have your air conditioned serviced. OTHERWISE, you will waste a lot of energy. UNLESS UNLESS governments act now, the environment will suffer. IN CASE IN CASE OF + noun Take a coat with you IN CASE the weather gets worse. IN CASE OF fire, leave the building immediately.